Beef Checkoff Is Geared Up For National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month, and more specifically, March 10th is
Registered Dietitian Day. In support of this month, the checkoffs food and
nutrition communications team continues to communicate about “29 Ways Toward
Better Health” to reinforce the availability and affordability of 29 lean beef
steaks, roasts and ground beef choices during a time when media, consumers and
health professionals are talking about nutrition.

Do Opportunities Exist In The Freezer Case For Beef?

March 4, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

Steve Giroux, vice president of sales and marketing for American Foods Group
brands division, says the beef checkoff is working together with their company
to help grow consumer awareness about frozen beef offerings and in turn,
increase beef sales.

Coq Au Vin The Most Famous Of All French Chicken Dishes

Coq Au Vin, a kind of savory stew studded with pieces of chicken, pearl onions and
mushrooms, is probably the most famous of all French chicken dishes.

Tyson Management Optimistic About Remainder of 2010-11

March 4, 2010 Tyson Foods, Inc.

Tyson Foods, Inc. Chief Operating Officer Jim Lochner and Chief Financial Officer Dennis
Leatherby told investors recently that Tyson has improved its chicken business over the
past year and believe the changes the company has made, along with favorable
market conditions, should bring good returns in the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years.

You May Be Part Of A Tyson Chicken Class Action Settlement

March 4, 2010 Girard Gibbs LLP

If you purchased Tyson-branded chicken products labeled “Raised Without
Antibiotics” or “Raised Without Antibiotics That Impact Antibiotic Resistance in
Humans” between June 19, 2007 and April 30, 2009, you may be part of a class
action settlement.