FDA Warns Austin Fish About HACCP Violations

February 25, 2010 John Gridley, FDA

On Feb. 23, the FDA released the following warning letter sent to Austin Fish Co. on Dec. 1, 2009.

Kai Group Offers Hightailer Shrimp Peeler

The Hightailer shrimp scissors simplifies seafood preparation resulting in less waste and more eye appeal.

Red Tide Threatens New England Shellfish

The New England shellfish industry faces the threat of widespread red tide outbreaks this spring and summer.

Feds Hope To Deter Mislabeling

February 25, 2010 Kim Holden, Fox 8

A grand jury soon could hand up indictments over cheap imported shrimp being mislabeled as “Caught in the U.S.”

Pink Salmon Gains Popularity

February 25, 2010 Paula Bock, The Seattle Times

Pink salmon is finding more and more fans thanks to a Washington state-based hands-on reef-net fishery.