American Dairy Coalition Applauds Effort To Repeal COOL

The American Dairy Coalition applauds Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts for introducing an amendment to repeal mandatory country-of-origin labeling laws. If we are to grow and protect our nation’s dairy industry, it is imperative we resolve this issue with our trading partners Mexico and Canada. The House has already taken the proper steps by passing a bill to repeal mandatory COOL; the Senate must do nothing less.  The previously proposed voluntary measures only ensure that our partners will act to impose more than $1 billion in retaliatory tariffs on our industry.

We urge the Senate to pass Senator Roberts’ amendment swiftly and definitively.

The World Trade Organization’s will be holding a meeting on December 18th to formally approve Canada and Mexico’s retaliation against the U.S. Canada and Mexico are entitled to enforce tariffs to recover reparations of roughly $1 billion. 


The American Dairy Coalition – The voice of America’s Dairy Farms is a new nationwide coalition of dairy producers and their industry partners, formed to promote effective federal policy that ensures an abundant supply of safe, nutritious dairy products to meet domestic and international market demand.  ADC is led by Laurie Fischer (former executive director for the Wisconsin Dairy Business Association), and is working with aligned dairy farmers and national dairy producer associations to become the united voice for America’s dairy farmers and fill an existing void in federal advocacy for the growth of the modern dairy industry.

Source: The American Dairy Coalition