Are All Yogurts Created Equal?

You may have noticed that the refrigerated yogurt case has grown in recent years and now contains such a huge variety of yogurt it can be difficult to choose. Nonfat or low-fat? Custard or Greek? Flavor at the bottom or stirred? Probiotic or regular? The choices, along with the flavor combinations, are almost endless, as are the health claims. Spending time trying to decide means the rest of your basket suffers. So to get in and out of the dairy aisle in a more expedient manner, here is a primer on yogurt.

Yogurt is made by curdling milk with the cultures of bacteria; there are a variety of strains of this bacteria, with some companies creating their own for a more distinctive brand. These strains usually contain probiotics, which are beneficial to digestion. And while all yogurts contain these cultures prior to processing, it is the method of processing that determines whether or not those cultures remain in the yogurt.

Full-Fat, Low-Fat, Non-Fat

The difference between these three is milk fat content and, consequently, calories.

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