California Demands Answers On Marketing Of Milk

MERCED — In response to a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals lawsuit, a state Superior Court has ordered farmers in the Central Valley and elsewhere on the California Milk Advisory Board to answer questions about how they market the dairy industry in California.

Lawyers for the animal rights group argue that the milk board has no evidence to support its campaigns that depict, in a positive light, the health, comfort and safety of the state's dairy cows.

"The milk advisory board continues to tell consumers about the great standards of care that cows receive," said Martina Bernstein, sen-ior litigation council for PETA. "There has been absolutely no evidence to that fact. If they have this evidence, they should be required to show it."

The milk board and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, which certified the campaign, declined to comment.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Merced Sun-Star