California Milk Producers Seek Benefits Of Federal Pricing Program

WASHINGTON —  California’s huge dairy industry that has played by its own set of rules since the 1930s could partially end its unique way of doing business under new legislation that’s united lawmakers throughout the state.

Citing lost revenues and hard times, six House members from the rural Central Valley introduced a bill this week opening the door for California dairy producers to eventually enter a federal milk marketing system. The lawmakers, echoing the views of industry leaders, say it may be time for a change.

“Put us on a level playing field,” Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., said in an interview Friday. “We’re desperate now.”

Valadao’s bill would allow California dairy producers to petition the Agriculture Department for entrance into the federal milk marketing order system. If the producers go ahead and file that petition, the Agriculture Department would hold an industry vote. Approval by two-thirds of the producers would be required for the move to succeed.

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