Eggs Start-Up Seemed An Excellent Opportunity

Charles T. Lanktree was a food marketing executive with a tough decision 21 years ago. Should he take the job with the big company, big pay and big perks, or go with a start-up that would require him to work from his basement and forgo a salary? He went with the start-up for one simple reason: “I just love eggs.”

Lanktree was part of a trio of former Beech-Nut Foods executives who developed a plan to build a better egg, and to market it as a national premium-egg brand. Today, eggs sold under the Egglands Best label come from hens that follow strict diets all-vegetarian feed with no animal fats and with supplements such as kelp and rice bran.

The special diet produces an egg lower in cholesterol and saturated fats and higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, according to the company, which has numerous studies that back up those assertions.

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