IDFA Disagrees With IOM Focus On Nutrients To Limit

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released last week its second phase report on front-of-package labeling with mixed results for dairy. The report recommends calling out three nutrients to limit – saturated and trans fats, sodium and added sugars – along with serving size and calories for every food and beverage product. IDFA believes the proposed system is flawed because products also should flag nutrients to encourage to give consumers the complete nutrient profile.

The IOM committee recommended a three-point system based on certain eligibility criteria and the levels of saturated fat and trans fat, sodium and added sugars in the products. Each product would earn zero to three points, which could be displayed as checks or stars, to indicate how healthy it would be for consumers.

"Low-fat dairy products, which are recommended as nutrient-rich foods to encourage in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, would receive a rating of only two stars while products devoid of positive nutrients, such as a diet soft drink, could receive three stars," said Cary Frye, IDFA vice president of regulatory and scientific affairs. "And most cheeses would receive no stars based on saturated fat levels. That demonstrates a very unbalanced approach to nutrition."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: International Dairy Foods Association