WI Gov. Says He May Support Bill To Legalize Raw Milk Sales

Supporters of an effort to legalize the sales of unpasteurized milk to consumers in Wisconsin may have a little more luck under a new governor. Last week, Scott Walker said he would likely sign a bill that would allow farmers to sell their raw milk if there were certain safeguards in place to protect the public. He made the comments after being notified that some lawmakers are promising to reintroduce the measure into the State Legislature this year.

Last May, former Governor Jim Doyle vetoed the proposal, saying the health of Wisconsin citizens 'need to be protected' and that he had an 'obligation to protect the (dairy) industry' in the event of a disease outbreak.

The issue was first brought to the forefront in late 2009 when about 35 people were sickened in southeastern Wisconsin after consuming contaminated raw milk that was purchased through a a cow-share program. After the incident received some negative press, dozens of supporters of raw milk sales lobbied the state agriculture department's board asking that a 50-year-old rule banning such sales be lifted.

To read the rest of this story please go to: Wisconsin Ag Connection