CrispRoot Blazes A Trail For Healthy Snack Foods & Corporate Social Responsibility

Westport, CT – With the world population topping seven billion people in 2011,[1] the necessity for businesses that practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming even more central to long-term sustainability and quality of life. Internally as well, businesses are finding that employees are much more engaged and efficient when the companies for which they work actively contribute to worthy social and environmental pursuits.[2] In fact, the Society for Human Resources Management conducted a study that showed a 55% increase in morale, 43% rise in efficiency, and a 38% stronger sense of loyalty in employees who worked with companies that had CSR programs versus those that did not.[3]  Fortunately for everyone, businesses are catching on and some, such as CrispRoot, are paving the way. A budding producer of healthy gluten-free-dairy-free chips made out of Cassava root, CrispRoot is pioneering A Whole New Crunch™ for not only the chip industry, but also the business world on the whole.

When 5-year-old Ella, the niece of CrispRoot founder Hermanto, experienced significant improvement in her autistic behavior by eating gluten-free-dairy-free foods (GFCF), CrispRoot’s mission was born: to create “snacks with a halo” that both improve quality of life and also honor conservation of the environment — two issues very close to Hermanto’s heart. Upon discovering that great-tasting GFCF foods were few and far between, Hermanto set out to craft a savory and tasty snack that would brighten the lives of Ella and her friends dealing with autism and celiac disease. The result was the brilliantly healthy, delicious CrispRoot Chips snack made out of sustainably-grown Cassava root.

CrispRoot Chips are made out of the root from the Cassava shrub (Manihoc esculenta), a plant native to South America that is also cultivated throughout Asia and Africa. Cassava — also known as tapioca, manioc, and yuca — grows year round in arid conditions and requires little water for cultivation, making it the ideal drought-tolerant, resource-conserving crop. As the primary energy source for over 800 million people around the world, Cassava root provides an incredibly healthy food that offers a tasty alternative to fatty, unnatural snack foods.

With 30-40% less fat and double the fiber of regular potato chips, CrispRoot Chips are made with all-natural ingredients. Made in four absolutely savory flavors, CrispRoot’s Original, Sea Salt, BBQ, and Ginger versions have a scrumptious ridged texture just like leading potato chips, but without the trans-fat or cholesterol. And just as CrispRoot Chips are healthy for the body, the company has ensured that their production is also healthy for the planet.

As a native of Java, Hermanto grew up appreciating the tropical rain forests of Indonesia’s 5th largest island. With ecosystems ranging from coastal mangrove forests, rocky cliffs, and mountainous volcanic slopes, Java has supported a rich biodiversity throughout its history. The human population increase, however, (Java has a population of over 135 million people, making it the most populous island in the world)[4] has diminished Java’s natural environment and eliminated many of the island’s once flourishing species. Although many other companies may cut corners to snake out a profit from the natural resources of Indonesia’s lush Javanese island, CrispRoot honors the natural environment through its sustainable farming practices and past and current partnerships with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation for carbon neutrality, The American Forest Foundation for orangutan rainforest habitat preservation, and the Rain Forest Alliance for preserving natural rain forests and transforming business practices to respect the environment.

True to its original mission, CrispRoot provides a delicious and tasty snack that is good for the body and the environment. Its high-quality, gluten-free-dairy-free products and ethical business conduct help blaze the trail for a brighter future for everyone from Hermanto’s niece to nature. Now that’s a “A Whole New Crunch™” out of which people can proudly take a mouthwatering bite.

About CrispRoot

CrispRoot’s mission is to cultivate a healthier world through producing nourishing, healthier-for-you foods, as well as honest words and business practices that are kind to the planet. CrispRoot Chips are made from the root of Cassava, a shrub indigenous to South America and also cultivated throughout Asia and Africa. CrispRoot grows its own Cassava root on the island of Java and has become the first official Rainforest Alliance-certified Cassava farm in the world. In addition to caring for the planet, CrispRoot Chips also care for the body: they do not include any artificial sweeteners, trans-fat, cholesterol, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, colorings, yeast, gluten, or dairy. CrispRoot offers a Whole New Crunch™ in its four flavors of savory chips. From the ground up, CrispRoot is a company embodying corporate social responsibility and paving the way for a healthier, brighter future.

Source: CrispRoot