Parmigiano Reggiano Makers To Spend 15M Over Next Four Years To Fight Crisis

Makers of Italy’s famed Parmigiano Reggiano (or “parmesan”) cheese are starting to recover from a long slump in prices and consumption that has threatened the livelihoods of small producers. The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium of 320 cheese makers has approved a plan to help the recovery along by spending €15 million over the next four years on publicity and export support.

From 2017, the organization will inject an extra €3.1 million to support the recovery in the domestic market, taking investments from €8.8 million to €11.9 million. At the same time, it will add €1.6 million to its investments for overseas development, increasing the total from €4.2 million to €5.8 million.

The estimated 2017 budget of the consortium foresees €28.75 million in revenues. Among expenditure items, the €17.8 million investments to strengthen sales in Italy and abroad stand out.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: ItalyEurope24