World Of Cheese Education From Pasture To Plate, April 27 – May 1, 2014

"The World of Cheese from Pasture to Plate" is a four-day hands on course aimed at educating retailers, culinary professionals, end users, brokers, distributors, retailers, and marketers, in the art and science of cheesemaking. This course features lectures covering cheesemaking, cheese handling and display, packaging fundamentals, cheese economics, basics of cheese grading and evaluation, and more. The hands on sessions include cheesemaking, grading lab and cheese functionality demos. Wear low heel, closed toe shoes and casual clothes during cheesemaking and plant tours. At the end of the course attendees will receive a participation certificate.

The course is intended for culinary professionals, end users, brokers, distributors, retailers, and marketers. It is designed to give non-cheesemakers a broad knowledge of the cheesemaking process while emphasizing the uniqueness of cheese products. This course is designed as a survey course for participants and is not designed to address technical research issues. April 28-May2

Cost: $600.00 | Location: Babcock Hall, Room 205 | Register On-line & Payment
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the program starts at 8:25 a.m.
Each student should bring the course confirmation to the workshop. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, University of Wisconsin