Ecke Releases 2011 Summer Poinsettias Catalog

A message from Paul Ecke III:

While our industry evolves through consolidations and other dynamic changes, the Ecke Ranch has focused on relationships built throughout our years of operation. We know and understand the value of partnering to help everyone involved become more successful, and ultimately more profitable. This philosophy was built starting with my grandfather and father in the early years of leading this business, and it is one we continue to promote.

At Ecke we have been partnering with retailers who present our products to consumers throughout the year, not only during the holidays. By working together we can help influence and elevate the quality of plants sold in the market and make strides towards improving both the image of and the desirability of purchasing poinsettias each holiday season.
In a mature market it is imperative we do everything possible to keep poinsettias in the minds of consumers and a
regular part of their holiday purchases!

Another retail program I am very proud of involves our Polar Bear poinsettia. By partnering with Polar Bears International (PBI) and retailers around the world we are bringing attention to this magnificent, yet still endangered species. About 5% of the net revenue from the sales of this poinsettia will go to good use under the direction of PBI. Cause-marketing is not something we take lightly here at Ecke and the investment into this program is significant. However, I believe that good will come for many years to both the Polar Bears and for all our customers who join this program and create something truly special to offer the market.

View the 2011 Ecke Summer Poinsettias Catalog

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Ecke Ranch