FloraHolland Unveils Customer Survey Results

Over 500 customers participated in FloraHolland's Customer Survey last June. With 31%, the survey's response rate was slightly higher than that of the Growers' Survey in 2011 (25%) which gives us an accurate representation. Both surveys take place alternately, every other year.

This way, FloraHolland is better able to measure the satisfaction level of its growers and customers in its ambition to be an excellent service provider.

Approx. 58% of the customers are satisfied with FloraHolland's service in general. The Growers' Survey saw similar results. Participation was evenly spread out across various FloraHolland locations, with wholesale (35%) and retail (43%) being the largest groups. Over 90% of the respondents use the clock and remote buying  (KOA) and the majority is satisfied with it. Over half of the respondents does business with FloraHolland Connect and sees room for improvement. The financial settlement and information provision registered satisfaction. Problem-solving and product delivery logistics need to be improved.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: FloraHolland