Guatemalan Cut Flower Exports Steadily Recovering From Crisis

The Central American republic of Guatemala has seen its ornamental horticulture exports steadily recover since the economic crisis of 2008.  Annual growth has averaged 7 to 8% and this year, too, that trend appears to be continuing.

Over the course of January of this year – the last month for which trade figures are available – the country’s export of ornamental plants, foliage and flowers generated $6.2 million in foreign exchange. Compared to January of 2011, when they totaled $5.8 million, that signifies an increase of 6.9%.

The sector was responsible for a turnover of 81 million U.S. in 2012, which was about 8 million more than in 2011. Growth over the course of 2011 was similarly strong. The main export market for the country’s cut flowers is the U.S., but Holland, Germany and, to a lesser extent, Japan and certain Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries also import Guatemalan blooms.

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