National Indoor Plant Week, Happening Now

"Share the love – Plants in every room!"

Plants really are amazing.   They soothe our senses by cleaning the air we breathe and leave us feeling calmed and connected to the world around us.  Unfortunately, we spend the majority of our time inside and even more unfortunate the indoor air can be up to ten times more polluted then the air outside. So why not bring the many benefits of nature indoors with plants?

That is the goal of National Indoor Plant Week, happening now, the second week of September, to educate and demonstrate the many benefits of indoor plants.   Mark Martin with Interior Tropical Gardens, developed the concept six years ago while attending a Plantscape Industry Expo in Palm Springs, CA.  He has invested his life's passion in spreading the word and love, with indoor plants.

"Plants are truly living green cleaning machines.  Every space that we live in must have indoor plants.  We have spent so much time focusing on the outdoors that we have missed the obvious – the four walls we spend our days and nights in," said Martin.

So celebrate National Indoor Plant Week” with a peace lily in your bathroom to remove mold from those hot showers.  Or perhaps bring an orchid to work with you and to refresh your attitude when your energy runs low. And if you just did some remodeling, a philodendron will get right to work getting out the toxins from the carpet and paint and purify the air.

The possibilities are endless with plants!

Source: Plantscape Industry Alliance & Green Plants for Green Buildings