OFA-The Association Of Horticulture Professionals Adopts Multi-Year Strategic Plan

Columbus, Ohio—The U.S. based OFA-The Association of Horticulture Professionals today issued publicly its strategic plan for the next three years that outlines the organization's vision for serving its members and the horticulture industry. The plan establishes a framework for achieving long-term objectives such as becoming a worldwide resource for information, a trusted source for professional development, and a key facilitator for industry buyers and sellers.

The plan also outlines core organizational values—visionary leadership; responsible stewardship; professional development; business success and entrepreneurship; absolute integrity—and a series of one- and three-year goals. It grew out of a twelve-month process spearheaded by a 40-member task force made up of the OFA Board of Directors, staff, members, and other key stakeholders.

The organization hopes to advance its services in the following areas:

  • Industry leadership and professional development
  • Industry collaboration
  • Connecting buyers and sellers
  • Industry leadership development

California nursery owner and OFA president Danny Takao said that “the vision of OFAs leaders is to foster collaboration between horticulture organizations and others to create a more unified industry, a richer membership experience, and higher quality products and services for the consuming public.

“OFA members are forward-thinking, recognized advocates, and we want them to be considered the preferred source for professional horticulture products and services.

“OFA is known worldwide for our Short Course trade show and conference. We also serve thousands of member companies year-round, so the strategic plan speaks to their immediate and future needs,” said Takao.

Indiana greenhouse and floral retailer Mike McCabe stated, “We know that gardening and decorating assists in maintaining home values and we hope that younger generations will also be interested in using plants for decorative purposes. With our multi-year plan we expect that OFA will help position growers, retailers, and other industry segments to meet consumer needs.”

McCabe, OFAs vice president, is also thinking about how government will impact the industry. “There will be increased interest in sustainability, „green concerns, and additional regulations on water use, management, run-off, etc. We want OFA members to be prepared for the future.”

“Its exciting to be part of an organization that is taking the time to think about the future of the horticulture industry and how it will be fully engaged in all of the possibilities,” said Michael V. Geary, CAE, OFAs Chief Executive Officer. “Our staff and volunteer leaders are fully engaged in this strategic planning process. We are examining all facets of the association in order to provide an improved experience for our members and other stakeholders.”
The outline of the 2010-2013 strategic plan is available online at www.ofa.org.

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About the Organization: OFA-The Association of Horticulture Professionals is the leading horticulture educational association in the United States. It is a non-profit, all-industry, educational organization and its core purpose/mission is “to support and advance professional horticulture.” Industry segments served include: garden centers, greenhouses, nurseries, retail and wholesale florists, and interior plantscape. OFA is especially known for its outstanding publications and its annual OFA Short Course, U.S. horticultures premier educational and trade show event. The next Short Course will take place on July 9-12, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio and will feature our new event, Garden Center Live!™, an interactive area with displays and demonstrations that will help garden centers grow their businesses.

Source: OFA-The Association of Horticulture Professionals