Problem-Solving Plants

In a perfect world, we’d have perfect soil, perfect light, and perfect weather with just the right amount of rain, not too much wind and few problems from pests and diseases. Instead, each gardener has a cornucopia of varying conditions to contend with in order to grow a gorgeous landscape.

recent trends report from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) reiterated the growing popularity of native/adapted drought-tolerant plants, low-maintenance landscapes, and reduced lawn areas. Some plants are better than others to meet these and other gardening challenges. Some plants are overused in specific applications. This year, we encourage you to try new solutions to old problems. Here are our best plants to beat tricky landscape and garden problems.

Big Color for Dry Areas

Unpredictable weather patterns are becoming routine with lower-than-normal precipitation at the top of the list of challenges for many geographic areas. What’s a gardener or designer to do when charged with covering ground without raising the water bill? The old way involved rocks or mulch. The new way means picking the right plants. There’s no need to sacrifice color for sustainability. Flower Carpet rosesand Storm agapanthus are two outstanding choices for water-wise landscaping.

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