Ptilotus Exaltatus Joey Awarded With Glass Tulip 2012 By FloraHolland

Noordwijk, Netherlands – Each year the best of the best flower novelties contend for the most sought after "Glass Tulip" of FloraHolland. Ptilotus exaltatus Joey®, world novelty of the German seed breeder Benary, wins the "Glass Tulip" award in the category of bedding plants. The jury found Ptilotus exaltatus Joey® to be truly innovative, soft and caressable. Whether or not it would be able to stand up to rain was fully put to the test. Its loose panicle fits the current trend well. C. & M. Kester, an innovative dutch grower, presented Joey® to the jury as an avant-garde bedding plant for the end consumer.

Ptilotus exaltatus Joey® is a native to central Australia. This is why it is extremely tolerant of heat and drought as well as being able to adapt very well to other conditions. Benary's Joey® is truly a breeding breakthrough. The market has nothing of its kind to offer in this genus.

The "Glass Tulip" so to say the Oscar of the European Horticultural Industry

Each year, the FloraHolland flower auction FloraHolland presents this award to the most successful introduction to the market in the categories cut flowers, houseplants, garden plants and sales concepts. The four Glass Tulip awards were presented at a festive gathering, where television personality and jury chairman Rob Verlinden had the honor of announcing the winners.

FloraHolland – The Heart of the intenational floriculture sector

The Netherlands is the heart of the international floriculture sector. It has an intricate and high-quality network of companies, ranging from breeders and growers to sales experts and export firms, representing every aspect of the business. The Netherlands is the place where supply and demand come together. From Europe and beyond. FloraHolland flower auction plays a key role in the Netherlands, land of Floriculture where its position as marketplace fulfils the role of matchmaker, intermediary and knowledge center.

Please find further information about the Glass Tulip by FloraHolland here:

The Video an be seen here:

For further information please contact: Gundula Wagner +49 5541 7009-17

About Benary

For almost 170 years, Benary has maintained a strong passion for breeding annuals, perennials and potted ornamental plants. Known worldwide as a leader in Begonias, both tuberous and fibrous, Benary‘s fine selected assortment includes some of the industry’s most sought after varieties in Pansies, Pentas, Petunias, Marigolds, Impatiens, and Rudbeckia, to name just a few.

Established in 1843, today Benary is one of the leading ornamental seed breeding companies worldwide. The independent family business, now led by the 6th generation, continuously develops new seed varieties for the global professional ornamental industry. Benary exports over 85 % of its sales into more than 120 countries.

Source: Benary