Santa Cruz Sunset Wins Medal Of Excellence At OFA 2012

Ohio, USA – Benary’s Begonia boliviensis Santa Cruz™ Sunset has claimed the 2012 "Industry’s Choice" award.

In line with its long-standing reputation as breeders of exceptional begonias, Benary has been launching another outstanding begonia this season called Begonia boliviensis F1 Santa Cruz™ Sunset. This annual begonia is stunning in baskets, but also cuts quite a dash in tubs or in flower beds.

This makes Santa Cruz™ Sunset so special:

  • It is the first commercial Begonia boliviensis from seed!
  • This makes it a cost-efficient alternative to comparable varieties raised from cuttings.
  • There are no royalties which ensures high value for money!

Perfect for landscapes; hanging baskets or containers but also cuts quite a dash in tubs or in flower beds that need to tolerate extreme heat and weather conditions! Best of all Santa Cruz™ Sunset does not need pinching, saving growers time and money. Excellent seed quality (90 %+ germ.) in easy-to-sow pellets, assures your success. Larger flowers (5“ wide) and "beefier" dark green foliage, will make Santa Cruz™ Sunset fly off your benches. Look for Santa Cruz™ Sunset in American Garden Award‘s twenty-eight trial sites around the country. Go to  for more info.

With its profusion of fiery red-orange, bell-shaped flowers, Santa Cruz™ Sunset is eye-catching and adds a soft orange light to shadier areas of the garden in particular.

Source: Benary