Scabiosa: Bright Wild Flower

Scabiosa brings the sense of a field of wild flowers, into your home.

Summer dress

You can’t help but feel happy in a field of Scabiosa’s. Flowers on long stems, waving in the wind. The flower petals are fragile and lightly frilled, just like a summer dress. There are many different varieties of Scabiosa. The original colour is dark purple, but you can now get them in a range of colours such as white and light blue.
Scab or pincushion

Scabiosa belongs to the teasel family (Dipsacaceae). The name Scabiosa is possibly derived from scabius which means scab. This name may have been given due to the flaky, scaly appearance of the flower. Although there are also stories about the Romans using it as a medicine for a range of skin diseases. The flower is also called the pin cushion flower which obviously refers to its appearance.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: PurE Seasonal Flowers