North American Meat Association Premieres 'Meat Experts' Website

North American Meat Association is pleased to announce a new website for meat industry regulatory guidance at 

The new NAMA Meat Experts is a site for meat company managers and others to get answers to meat regulation related questions. The site invites visitor participation via ‘Ask the Experts’ inquiries and provides a forum for ongoing discussion on each inquiry. The goal is to build a knowledgebase about meat inspection, food safety and industry regulatory oversight based on incoming questions and the staff’s expertise.

An app for iPhone and Android with which visitors will be able to access the knowledgebase at NAMA Meat Experts, and also to send in new inquiries directly from their smart phones, will be released later this spring.

This is the second time this month that NAMA has launched a new website, starting two weeks ago with  Watch for more exciting announcements as the association continues its mission of providing its members exceptional regulatory advocacy, opportunities for education, and a spirit of partnership.

With representatives in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and a community of more than 600 companies, NAMA provides its members exceptional regulatory advocacy, educational opportunities, and a spirit of partnership that is unique in the industry.

Source: North American Meat Association