Pork Board Drops ‘The Other White Meat’

The National Pork Board has decided to drop the ad-campaign tag, "The Other White Meat." The replacement? "Be Inspired."

Makes you want to go out and eat some bacon, right? No? Me either. But the industry group said it was trying to concentrate on customers who already eat pork, the Associated Press reports, as opposed to trying to convince chicken-eaters that it's almost as good as chicken and couldn't they try just a little?

John Reinan, director at the marketing agency Fast Horse, weighs in on the move at MinnPost. He's not wild about the new slogan either, but says the shift away from the old one makes sense because of what he calls "The Willie Sutton Rule". Minnesota is the No. 3 pork-producing state.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal