Pork Producers Set Goal To Increase Per Capita Pork Expenditures

At the National Pork Industry Forum, a new strategic plan is being unveiled.
National Pork Board CEO Chris Novak says this plan establishes an aggressive
goal for pork consumption, The plan sets a goal of increasing per capita US
expenditures on pork by 10% by the year 2014. Novak says pork demand in the US
has been flat for many years, while export demand has increased. We are trying
to revitalize our domestic market, he added. The plan calls for reaching
consumers with a message that is current and fresh about todays pork. Novak
said that message should stress the healthfulness, nutrition, and flavor of

Novak explains the 10 percent increase per capita focuses on pork consumption
and expenditures, It is not only a question of selling more pounds of pork, but
also how can we improve the value of pork at the grocery store. He said the new
plan is focused on increasing both the price and quantity of pork purchased by
Americans. Novak said producers want to make pork more a part of consumers
lives, We already own breakfast with bacon and sausage, but we want to make
pork a choice for other meals, too. He said this can be accomplished by making
pork fresh and new again for consumers.

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