The Beef Checkoff’s Down-Home Beef Tests

The checkoff recently tested five new beef products in homes representing more than 65 families. Results from in-home tests are extremely valuable for new product developers because they produce more realistic outcomes on product satisfaction and usage than research conducted in an artificial test environment. That includes: how easy or difficult the product is to prepare; whether the instructions are clear and easy to follow; how people might use the product – e.g. for a meal or a snack; how families feel about the product; whether they intend to purchase it again; other uses for the product; and usefulness of the packaging.

The new products tested in late October were from five different companies and ranged from snacks to entrees. Results from the checkoff-funded tests will serve as a catalyst for these companies to invest in refining, improving and launching their new beef products with the greatest possible success. For more about new beef products, visit BIG

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