BC Tree Fruits Donates $2,000 To BC Cancer Foundation

KELOWNA, BC – After introducing the unique “Good to Go” contest as part of February Apple Month celebrations, BC Tree Fruits has selected the winning entry and charity that will be receiving funds as part of the contest. The Good to Go campaign promoted BCTF apples and healthy living across Canada, as well provided an opportunity for entrants to win a $2,000 cash prize, as well as $2,000 for a charity of their choosing.

“Good to Go” photo entries received over 135,000 total votes from across the country, but it was Vu Nguyen’s photo that took first place. “I’m excited and thrilled to receive this prize from BC Tree Fruits to donate to the BC Cancer Foundation,” says Vu. “The BC Cancer Agency guided me through a difficult time in my life with the utmost compassion and expertise. I’m elated to be giving back.”

Chris Pollock, BC Tree Fruits Marketing Manager who was on hand for the presentation, also shared the charitable sentiment. “To have the opportunity to award a $2000 donation to a deserving group such as BC Cancer Foundation is something we do with great pride, and a great reminder about the importance of healthy eating for British Columbians.”

"On behalf of the BC Cancer Foundation and the 24,000 people in our province who will be diagnosed with cancer this year, I’d like to thank BC Tree Fruits and “Good to Go” winner, Vu Nguyen, for supporting the next wave of cancer discoveries in British Columbia,” said Douglas Nelson, President and CEO, BC Cancer Foundation.

Runner-­up entries in the contest, Kathleen McGiveron & Sian-­Hoe Cheong, each received a $200 retail gift card. BC Tree Fruits is already in planning stages for Apple Month 2014 while the familiar BC leaf brand can be found year-­round on fresh, Okanagan grown produce.

About BC Tree Fruits:

BC Tree Fruits is part of the Okanagan Tree Fruit Cooperative and is owned by over 580 local grower families. BC Tree Fruits markets and distributes a variety of BC grown fruit including apples, pears, cherries, peaches, apricots, prune plums and blueberries. BC Tree Fruits’ head office is based in Kelowna, B.C. For more information: www.bctree.com  |  www.twitter.com/bctreefruits | facebook.com/bctree

Source: BC Tree Fruits