Domex Superfresh Adds Social Media To Web Site

Yakima, WA. – Domex Superfresh Growers® has launched a redesigned version of their website, The objective of the redesign was to make the site more user friendly with increased emphasis on immediate communication. “Our previous design was all about the consumer experience, that has always been the purpose of our site,” explains Loren Queen, marketing and communications manager. “What this redesign has accomplished is the integration of our Facebook, Twitter and Superfresh News – the company’s newsletter, into the home page so customers and consumers would have the absolute latest information available. We are building a sense of familiarity that translates into a ‘local’ feeling,” concludes Queen.

Domex Superfresh Growers also started both Facebook and Twitter accounts this past winter. “The aim is to engage the consumer further than is possible with a website alone,” says Queen. “The advent of social media tools has made it is so easy to post a photo or write a few quick words about what’s happening right now. We find that this works great for industry contacts as well as consumers in keeping them interested and informed. Our vision has always been to connect the consumer to the grower and social networking is ideal for this,” says Queen.

“We have also addressed the needs of retailers directly with another Twitter account, called FreshCategory, managed by our Superfresh Category Management® team,” notes Queen. “It has a very large following, especially compared against the rest of the produce industry. It’s clearly filling a category management information need for the industry. Utilizing social media is yet another way we deliver on our promise of being The Force Behind Fresh™.”

Source: Domex Superfresh Growers