Domex Superfresh Growers Showcases Modern Cherry Packing Lines

Yakima, WA –  Domex Superfresh Growers®, a global leader in the growing and shipping of fresh apples, pears, cherries and apricots, is proud to showcase their new cherry packing capabilities in a new video.

Over the past year Domex Superfresh Growers has been working to implement two new state-of-the-art cherry packing lines near their Eastern Washington orchards. Now in production, Superfresh Growers is seeing improvements in quality, pack accuracy and speed to market.

“Not only are we able to deliver a higher quality pack into the marketplace we are doing so faster and more efficiently than ever before. Our retail partners can expect improved store level performance and a better eating experience for consumers.” Howard Nager, vice president of marketing Domex Superfresh Growers.

The new lines are able to clean, sort, size and package over 40 tons of fresh Northwest cherries per hour. They feature advanced imaging and infrared technology that more accurately segment cherries by size and quality characteristics. Newly engineered hydro-delivery networks help to reduce pitting and cherry bruising.

The new cherry lines in operation can be seen at the following link:

Domex Superfresh Growers®, one of the Kershaw Companies, is a leading grower and shipper of both conventional and organically grown apples, pears, cherries and apricots from the Pacific Northwest. The Kershaw Companies have grown into a vertically integrated organization to include farming, warehousing, sales, marketing and logistic services.

Source: Domex Superfresh Growers®