On The Streets Of NY.. Banners To Raise Awareness Of Produce & Celebrate Fresh

Just in time to catch the Thanksgiving crowds, the Celebrating Fresh! banners, harkening the imminent arrival of The New York Produce Show and Conference, have been raised in midtown Manhattan!

These banners probably don’t really help us attract any produce industry members to the show. We do it because The Eastern Produce Council and PRODUCE BUSINESS magazine believe that just as it is important to have a world-class industry event, it is vitally important to raise the profile of the industry in the media capital of the world and to begin a movement so that one day, citizens all across the City of New York and, indeed all across the country, will also step up and help us Celebrate Fresh!

Now we hope that you will decide to join us at The New York Produce Show and Conference and its co-located events, The Global Trade Symposium and the “IDEATION FRESH” Foodservice Forum.

There is still time to sign up, even still time to exhibit or sponsor. Just decide to come and Celebrate Fresh!

Here is a brief look at what last year’s event was all about:

This year’s event is bigger and better, with a new venue where we can meet as family, all on one floor — more exhibitors, more learning, more culinary excitement.

You can register for The New York Produce Show and Conference, including the special events and spouse program, right here.

Or, if you would like to exhibit or sponsor, just let us know here.

Come to New York! Come to Celebrate Fresh!

Source: Jim Prevor’s Perishable Pundit