Goat Meat? Yes, It's Becoming Trendy

On a Friday before dinner service, Cavan Patterson of Lawrenceville's Wild Purveyors parks as close as he can to a delivery entrance for Legume in Oakland. As he rolls up the door of his truck, he's greeted by executive chef Trevett Hooper.

Mr. Patterson hops into the back of the truck and drags a box toward the opening, lifting first one then a second young goat that he passes to Mr. Hooper. He slings a pair over his shoulders and jumps to the ground.

Wrapped like mummies in clear plastic, the goats' limbs touch hoof to hoof as Mr. Patterson and Mr. Hooper talk and walk through an alley toward the kitchen.

Approximately 50 pounds apiece, the goats had been slaughtered and skinned about a week earlier.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Pittsburgh Post Gazette