Louisiana Restaurant Bill Favors Local Flavors

Restaurants that use Louisiana seafood, beef, rice, yams, corn or other state-grown or harvested products could get a 4 percent rebate for buying and serving those items to patrons if a bill that is nearing final legislative approval becomes law.

The money would come from fees assessed by the various industries themselves.

Senate Bill 81 by Sen. Fred Mills, R-St. Martinville, which would create the "Louisiana Buy Local Purchase Incentive Program," cleared the Senate May 16 on a 30-1 vote and last week was given a 10-0 endorsement by the House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture and Rural Development..

It needs to pass a final vote of the full House and go back to the Senate for approval of technical language before it is sent to Gov. Bobby Jindal for his approval or rejection.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Times-Picayune