Crab Processors Seek Price Rollback

In a surprise move, Newfoundland and Labrador's fish processors have asked an independent panel to change a price that has stalled this year's crab season.
The Association of Fisheries Producers, which has steadily criticized a price-setting panel appointed by the Newfoundland and Labrador government, changed tack on Wednesday.

"The only recourse now is to go to the panel — under legislation the only mechanism available — and ask for a revision of the prior price decision of March 18," Butler told CBC Radio's Fisheries Broadcast.

The crab season has been effectively shut down since almost all fish plant owners refused to buy snow crab at the price of $1.35 a pound. Processors say with slumping demand in the key U.S. market and the high Canadian dollar, they cannot operate viably this year with that price.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: CBC News.