FMI: Delivering Transparency In Seafood Supply Chains

The US seafood market is becoming increasingly transparent as seafood-buying companies make use of the tools available to describe where their seafood comes from. Such tools include ecolabels, QR codes, online supplier maps and fishery source lists, among others.

Developed to be a global platform for seafood transparency, the Ocean Disclosure Project (ODP) has attracted notable attention from the seafood industry since its launch in 2015 by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). The project enables seafood-buying companies to voluntarily disclose their wild-caught seafood sourcing through a common template. To date, 13 companies from North America and Europe have participated in the ODP, ranging from food retailers to suppliers and aquaculture feed manufacturers.

Transparency around responsible sourcing is an integral component of seafood sustainability. It empowers shoppers to make better purchasing decisions and drives food retailers, suppliers and producers to be open and accountable for their business practices.

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