Island Seafoods To Brand Salmon With Turbines

Adding value to a product like seafood usually means adding cost, too.

But Kodiak’s Island Seafoods plans to add value to its salmon with only the reputation of the Pillar Mountain wind turbines.

Coming soon, salmon produced at the small Shelikof Street processor will have a new message touting the processing plant’s connection with sustainable energy.

“We’re going to have a green label that says something like, ‘Sustainable fish produced by clean, sustainable wind turbine energy,’” general manager John Whiddon said.

Electricity from the turbines will not be routed toward Island Seafoods any more than to any home or business on the grid. But because Island Seafoods needs less energy than the turbines produce, its products might be considered as made from sustainable energy.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Kodiak Daily Mirrors.