Marine Stewardship Council Certified Seafood List Expands

Did you know that Santa Monica Seafood currently holds Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Certification on more than 20 species? As the MSC continues to expand their list of offerings, we work hard to make sure we expand ours!

Fisheries on this list have demonstrated through a rigorous process that they meet the three core principles of the MSC sustainability standards; sustainable fish stocks, minimizing environmental impacts, and they must have an effective management plan in place to respond to changing circumstances and to maintain sustainability. Its a transparent and internationally recognized process.

Our extensive list now includes two new species added since our last renewal; Ross Sea Antarctic Toothfish (one of two species of Chilean Seabass) and delicious Oregon Dungeness Crab. In addition to those two options, our MSC Chain of Custody Certification currently covers:

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Santa Monica Seafood