Omega Protein Receives $18.7M From Gulf Coast Claims Facility

HOUSTON, Oct. 20 — Omega Protein Corporation (NYSE: OME), the nation's leading producer of Omega-3 fish oil and specialty fish meal products, today announced that it has to date received a total of $18.7 million in payments, net of fees, from the Gulf Coast Claims Facility ("GCCF"). The GCCF is administering funds paid by BP in connection with reimbursements for claims caused by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

The GCCF payments represent partial reimbursement for damages to the Company caused by the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The Company did not waive any claims or defenses against BP, the GCCF or any of the Deepwater Horizon defendants by accepting the payments. The Company expects to receive additional funds from the GCCF, but it is unable to predict the amount of such funds, or when such funds might be received.

Source: Omega Protein Corp.