Oregon Dungeness Crab Season, Thought To Be A Bust, Takes An Upturn

The Dungeness crab season that started out looking to be a bust has taken a surprising turn, with crabbers landing close to 17 million pounds in the first 12 weeks in the 8 1/2-month long season, said Hugh Link, director of the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission.

The season was twice delayed at the start in December 2012 when crab quality tested low. The season finally got under way on Dec. 31, but initial reports by fishermen were grim.

"They are beautiful," said Rick Lilienthal, an Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission commissioner and crab fisherman the first week of the season. "But we just don't have very many. I saw empty pots on the first pull, which is something I don't think I've ever seen. It's pretty much over with."

Such reports, it turns out, have turned out to be premature.

To read the rest of the story, please go to:  The Oregonian