Turtle-Safe Scallops Coming To The Plate

BARNEGAT LIGHT — To the untrained eye, the big rust-colored steel triangles don’t look all that different from dredges that have been harvesting American sea scallops for a half-century.

In fact the new turtle deflector dredge, or TDD, totally reworks the layout of the traditional New Bedford scallop dredge to eliminate accidental capture of sea turtles – promising to finally resolve a years-long debate over how to best protect those threatened and endangered species.

Where the old-style dredges have a flat front with two plates to scoop up scallops, TDD designer Ronald Smolowitz and his team realigned the front end to an angle and eliminated gaps in the frame where turtles could get lodged, creating something like the cow catcher on an Old West steam locomotive.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Asbury Park Press