Washington State Shellfish Industry Gets A Shot In The Arm

The state’s shellfish industry, besieged by pollution problems and neighbors who don’t want new and expanded geoduck farms, received a fresh show of support Friday from top state and federal officials.

Gov. Chris Gregoire, NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco and others gathered at Taylor Shellfish Farms’ headquarters in a pep rally-like atmosphere to announce a new shellfish initiative to restore and expand the state’s shellfish resources.

The initiative calls for a streamlined, faster-paced permitting process for new and expanded shellfish farms, stepped-up restoration projects for two native shellfish populations – the Olympia oyster and pinto abalone – and new water-quality projects in shellfish-growing areas of Puget Sound.

Commercial shellfish growers praised the initiative as a major shot in the arm that could allow them to meet a growing global demand for oysters, clams, mussels and geoducks grown in state waters.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Olympian