The Federal Government is Assuming Management of Salmon Fishing in Parts of Alaska’s Cook Inlet

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service, also known as NOAA Fisheries, is taking over what had been state management of salmon in inlet waters designated as the federal exclusive economic zone, located more than 3 miles offshore.

Alaska Fishermen will be Allowed to Harvest Lucrative Red King Crab in the Bering Sea

Alaska fishermen will be able to harvest red king crab for the first time in two years, offering a slight reprieve to the beleaguered fishery beset by low numbers likely exacerbated by climate change.

In Bristol Bay, Spring Means Salmon — and Thousands of Fishermen From Coronavirus Hot Spots

Later this spring, Alaska’s Bristol Bay will blossom into one of the largest annual salmon fisheries in the world.

Mariculture a Growing Opportunity for Alaska Industry

Mariculture is a developing industry that provides multiple benefits to the people of Alaska: economic, environmental, and cultural. In Alaska, the term mariculture specifically refers to enhancement, restoration and farming of shellfish and seaweed.

Alaska Sockeye Harvest Breaks All-Time Top 5; Pinks Picking Up

The 2019 salmon season has seen plenty of fish return to the state, but far from evenly across regions.