North American Blueberry Council’s Response to Consumer Reports’ ‘Dirty Dozen’

Kasey Cronquist: “Consumers should always be on the lookout for urban legends, false agendas and unintentional misinformation that discourages fresh produce consumption. There is a wealth of scientific data showing fresh fruit, berries and vegetables improve lives through better diets and nutrition and additional research shows we are not eating nearly enough.”

Alliance for Food and Farming: Studies, Government Data Discredit “Dirty Dozen” List

Peer reviewed research published in the Journal of Toxicology found that the recommendation in the “Dirty Dozen” list to substitute organic forms of produce for conventional does not result in any decrease in risk for consumers because residues on conventionally grown are so low, if present at all.

Irresponsible “Dirty Dozen” Illustrates Inaccuracies, Invokes Fear When We Should Be Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

In today’s unprecedented world, it is more important than ever for consumers to simply eat MORE fruits and vegetables – no matter how they are grown or packaged. Fear-based messaging around pesticide levels is counterproductive during an already anxiety-ridden moment in time.

Alliance for Food and Farming: “Dirty Dozen” List Promotes Fear, Discourages Produce Consumption

Peer reviewed research and a recent survey of registered dietitian nutritionists has shown the potential negative impact on fruit and vegetable consumption caused by the so-called “dirty dozen” list. Further, the “dirty dozen” list has been repeatedly discredited by the scientific community and peer reviewed studies.

How RDs Can Stop Food Fears Before They Begin Due to the “Dirty Dozen” List

Guess what? It’s that time again when media outlets will start covering the release of this year’s “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen” produce lists. As a registered dietitian nutritionist in the media, this season is always a busy one.