4505 Meats Launches First-Ever Snack Mix

August 17, 2020 4505 Meats

4505 Meats takes Keto-friendly snacking to the next level with the launch of their first-ever snack mix, Cheese-Charrones. The product features a blend of 4505’s Chicharrones, Cracklins, and Whisps Cheddar Cheese Crisps. The Keto-friendly snack mix will be launched exclusively in Whole Foods stores nationwide and on Amazon.

Whisps Taps Into Post-Game Snacking Remorse, Announces The End Of ‘Guilty Snacking’ The Day After The Big Game

February 6, 2019 Whisps

Whisps, maker of deliciously baked, 100 percent real cheese crisps, announced the end of the guilty snacking era today. Coming off the heels of the “big game” and even bigger snacking, Whisps releases its “A Fishy Situation” commercial, inviting snackers everywhere to share what they’ll have time to feel guilty about, now that Whisps can give them a guilt-free snacking solution.