NFCA Announces Gluten-Free Credentialing For Restaurant Industry

National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA), the non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and improving the lives of those of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, announces a gluten-free credentialing program that will enable restaurants to manage the growing interest around gluten-free menu items.

Indian Harvest Boutique Introduces Tri-Color Quinoa

April 26, 2012 Indian Harvest

To meet diners’ increasing demand for quinoa—while exceeding their expectations by an exciting couple of degrees—Indian Harvest is pleased to offer Tri-Color Quinoa as the latest whole-grain innovation in the company’s Boutique line.

Sealed Air Announces A New Level Of Freshness For Foodservice Operations

April 26, 2012 Sealed Air

Sealed Air is once again extending freshness and product quality with its Cryovac® brand, this time by incorporating oxygen scavenging solutions into a new rollstock format for vertical pouch packaging (VPP). Ideal for foodservice operations, Cryovac® Freshness Plus® for VPP extends freshness for oxygen-sensitive items such as tomatoes, avocados, fruit pulps and exotic fruit purees.

Finalists Announced For Best Dish In North Carolina Regional Restaurant Competition

Twenty-five restaurants have been selected to compete this summer in the Best Dish in North Carolina competition sponsored by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Our State magazine. The Best Dish in N.C. competition is a statewide contest to determine North Carolina’s top restaurants that use and promote North Carolina food products on their menus.

Recreate Pantone Color Of The Year With Help From Satin Fine Foods Color Mix Guide

April 26, 2012 Satin Fine Foods, Inc.

For 2012, Pantone® announced Tangerine Tango as the color of the year. To mix colors to match these, download a copy of our Color Mix Guide as a useful reference.