ABA Welcomes Two New Staff Members Matt Grogg & Samantha Moore

Matt Grogg, ABA’s new director of meetings and education, replaces Karin Soyster Fitzgerald, CMP, CAE, who recently accepted a position with the International Fire Chiefs Association. ABA wishes her all the best!

In his new role at ABA, Matt will additionally serve as the IBIE Housing and Transportation Manager and Education Task Force Liaison.

Samantha Moore, a recent graduate of The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), was hired as ABA’s meetings registrar and membership assistant. At PSU, Sam majored in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management. She was the president of her school’s collegiate chapter of Professional Convention Management Association, an organization that helps grow and develop careers in event planning. This is Sam’s third return to ABA having previously served as an intern in between semesters and post graduation. ABA is very lucky to have Sam back and hopes she will serve ABA for many years to come!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Bakers Association