Harlan Bakeries Awarded 12 Blue Ribbons At 2011 APC Crisco Pie Championships

INDIANAPOLIS — Harlan Bakeries, LLC, producer and supplier of premium quality bagels, pies (meringue, crème, and fruit), cakes, breads, granola and dry bakery mixes, announces today it received 12 blue ribbons at the American Pie Council’s Crisco® 2011 National Pie Championships® held April 8–10, 2011 in Orlando, Florida.

In the 16th annual National Pie Championships, Harlan Bakeries ranked third in total ribbons, including three blue ribbons for its 8-inch mixed berry, apple and cherry no sugar added (NSA) pies.

“Harlan takes pride in these awards,” says Doug Harlan, executive vice president of Harlan Bakeries. “We want to thank the American Pie Council and its judges for acknowledging our quality products, as well as our customers for continuing to enjoy them.”

Blue ribbons were awarded to Harlan in the following categories:

•6” single pie—coconut cream and chocolate cream
•Family open cream pastry—8” lemon meringue
•Family NSA fruit and berry—8” NSA mixed berry
•Family NSA cherry—8” NSA cherry
•Family NSA apple—8” NSA apple
•Premium open—9” turtle
•Premium NSA open cream—9” sugar free lemon meringue
•Premium NSA fruit and berry—9” NSA mixed berry
•Premium NSA cherry—9” NSA cherry
•Premium NSA apple—9” NSA apple
•Super gourmet apple—12” apple lattice
Harlan Bakeries, LLC is an international wholesale supplier and distributor of products for in-store bakeries and private label baked goods.

For more information about Harlan Bakeries, visit www.harlanbakeries.com.

About Harlan Bakeries

Harlan Bakeries, LLC is an international wholesale supplier and distributor of products for in-store bakeries and private label baked goods. Headquartered in Avon, Indiana, Harlan Bakeries was founded in 1991 by brothers Hugh and Doug Harlan. Harlan’s product line includes bagels, pies (meringue, crème, and fruit), cakes, breads, granola and dry bakery mixes. For more information, visit www.harlanbakeries.com. Contact Harlan Bakeries at sales@harlanbakeries.com or 317-272-3600.

Source: Harlan Bakeries