Larry King Bagel Company Sued Over ‘Patented Water’

A new lawsuit answers three great questions:

  1. What is TV and radio personality Larry King up to now that he's bowing to Piers Morgan as host of a nightly CNN talk show?
  2. Why can't we get a good bagel outside of Brooklyn?
  3. Can you patent a process for making water?

Obviously, the answers are connected.

In July, King signed on with the Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co. as a franchisee and brand promoter. The company specializes in selling bagels prepared in water adapted to replicate the H2O of Brooklyn, N.Y. King would promote the brand and help develop the budding chain's stores throughout the world, including, for those crying "dough" over the lack of tasty bagels in La-La Land, a store opening in Beverly Hills.

To read the rest of this story please go to: The Hollywood Reporter