Oldways Whole Grains Council Tested One Cookie Recipe With Four Whole Grain Flours. Here’s Their Favorite.

Does baking with whole grain flours change your recipe results?

To find out, Oldways Whole Grain Stamp manager Abby tested one cookie recipe with five different types of flour—all-purpose, whole wheat, rye, oat, and spelt. 

Abby used freshly milled, locally-sourced grains for her cookie experiment!

Abby started with David Lebovitz’s Breton Sables, also known as Salted French Butter Cookies (“What. A. Dream.” she said of this delicious recipe.) Keeping the process, measurements, and remaining ingredients the same, she swapped in the different flours and recorded the results. How did the whole grain flours change the texture and taste of the cookie? Which one did she like best? Read on to find out!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Oldways Whole Grains Council