Using Their Loaf: Baker Reuses Leftovers To Make 'Waste Bread'

A heady but pleasant whiff of freshly baked bread wafts enticingly from the clutch of units on an industrial estate in north London.

Behind closed doors, final production tests are underway on what Gail’s Bakery – an artisan sourdough specialist – considers to be one its most exciting and game-changing new products in its 27-year history.

Into the bowl of the large industrial mixer the chain’s development baker Roz Bado tips, by hand, precise pre-measured quantities of a strong white Canadian flour, malt, and the decades-old sourdough “starter” – the crucial “living” ingredients of flour, water and wild yeast which helps a sourdough loaf to rise and gives it more flavour.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Guardian