Whole Grains Summit 2012

The next Whole Grains Summit is scheduled for May 19-22, 2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As with past international Whole Grains Summits in Porvoo, Finland (2001), Minneapolis, Minnesota (2005), and New Castle, England (2009), the 2012 Whole Grain Summit is an event to convene scientist, business, and health professionals from around the world to examine where we’ve been and where we’re going in the area of research on whole grains, dietary fiber and functional grain components. This is an effort to bring together the various sectors and disciplines focusing on grain-based foods not only from the science and technology perspective, but also from the business, marketing, and regulatory perspectives. It is the organizers goal that outcomes from this event will address issues needed to allow healthier grain-based foods to more readily flow into the supply chain for easier access by the consumer.

The grain community has responded well to this research by increasing the use of healthy whole grain and fiber ingredients in grain products. This Whole Grain Summit will explore approaches for next steps in creating a healthier grain-based food supply. With the release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the committee called for everyone to take a lead in creating a healthful food environment, making the healthy choice, the easy choice. Our goal is to frame the development, delivery, and enhanced consumption of healthy grain-based foods within the economic realities of business and consumer preference.

The Whole Grains Summit 2012 is designed to provide an opportunity for you to bring your voice and to share your view of the research, regulatory, and/or consumer landscape as it relates to whole grains. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise, and experience. We all have much to learn from one another as- all of us knows more than any of us.

Advisory Committee Outcomes and Objectives

Overarching Outcome: a strategic plan for research, integration, communication, and implementation to advance consumption of whole grains.

  • Goal 1: Identify research gaps to get whole grains to consumers worldwide.
  • Goal 2: Understand approaches to link whole grain research to communication and action, including behavioral change.
  • Goal 3: Build professional connections across disciplines and continents through engaging dialogue.
  • Goal 4: To assist in setting goals for global dietary guidance, identify the knowledge gaps where the research is not conclusive on whole grains & health.


Source: University of Minnesota