Double-Cream Cremont Cheese Makes Retail Entrance With New Packaging

Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery (VBCC) announced today that the newest addition to their Aged Cheese artisan line, Cremont, is now available in retail packaging. The specially designed container will help protect the cheese and allow it to continue to age from creamery to the table while maintaining a very creamy cheese.

Roquefort: The King Of Cheeses

November 2, 2011 Rob Rabine, Shoreline Times

Three things make Roquefort special: (1) it’s made entirely from the raw ultra-rich milk from ewes that only graze on the surrounding plateau, (2) the mold spore that turns it blue-green only grows in these particular caves and (3) the cold, damp, windy caves of Mount Combalou are a unique environment that provides for perfect aging.

ECOvention Unveils Multifunctional "SmartBox" Pizza Box

November 2, 2011 ECOvention LLC

In partnership with manufacturing partner SigmaQ, Ecovention is pleased to announce the launch of Pizza Hut Costa Rica’s Innovative New Multifunctional “SmartBox” Pizza Box. Using Ecovention's patented GreenBox technology, Pizza Hut Costa Rica’s new “SmartBox” breaks down into plates and a smaller container for leftovers, eliminating the need for disposable plates and ancillary storage materials like aluminum foil and plastic wrap.

Inglehoffer Honey Maple Mustard Wins Editor's Pick

November 1, 2011 Beaverton Foods

Beaverton Foods, Inc. recently received a certificate by Progressive Grocer magazine announcing that its Inglehoffer Honey Maple Mustard was honored as an “Editor’s Pick” in the Center Store Category. The mustard, introduced to the US market about a year ago, also earned a Gold Award at the 17th annual “World-Wide Mustard Competition” held at the National Mustard Museum in Middleton, Wisconsin in April. It competed with 350 mustard entries from around the globe.

Canadians Flocking To Goat Milk Products, Especially Various Types Of Cheese

The dairy goat industry is growing by leaps and bounds in Canada, particularly in Ontario and Quebec. But by far the biggest goat milk product is cheese and not just the soft unripened chevre people may be familiar with.